Between completing your holiday shopping, entertaining, booking your family visits, and decorating your house for the season, it’s easy to forget to find some “you” time during the holidays. But it’s important to ensure you actually enjoy this most wonderful time of year.
Don’t worry, we’re here to help. Here are a few simple self-care tips to mitigate stress that you can squeeze in between all your other holiday responsibilities:
- Schedule — that means block off, say no to other things, write it in your calendar, etc. — “you” time, rather than waiting until you’ve checked everything else off your list (because you’ll never be done, trust us). Exercise, take a restorative bath, read a book, etc. It can be 10 minutes or an hour but even a few minutes can make a big difference.
- Focus on quality time with loved ones. Dr. Caroline Leaf, a cognitive neuroscientist and author, notes that the happiest people are those who connect with others and build meaningful relationships.
- Perform a random (or not-so-random) act of kindness. This can look like giving back to a charity, volunteering, helping a stranger, or checking in on an old friend. It may feel like you’re adding another thing to your list, but it comes with major mental health benefits that’ll make the rest of the stuff on your list seem like less of a chore.
- Enforce boundaries when it comes to holiday events. There is a limit after which the fun and associated preparation, travelling and scheduling, can become draining rather than nourishing. Find your balance and be honest about it with the people in your life. Your loved ones will understand.
- Traditions are important, but it’s okay to let go of expensive, high-stress holiday rituals that the family doesn’t look forward to anymore. Instead, focus on creating new rituals you all will appreciate.
- Cheat on the to-do list items that drive you crazy. If you’re not into holiday baking this year, it’s okay to skip it. Christmas dinner, have a caterer help you out with the odd item, or plan a potluck, rather than cooking everything from scratch. If gift wrapping drives you nuts, take a few dollars out of your budget to get them gift wrapped by professionals or at the store, or opt for a simpler or more creative gift-giving option, like a gift card scavenger hunt or a reveal.
- Don’t hesitate to ask for help when you need it. Family members are often more than happy to pitch in. If you’re not hosting but don’t feel you have the time or energy to prepare a contribution, ask if there’s another way you can contribute, maybe by arriving early to help the host set up.
- Prep as much in advance to avoid panic the day of. Whether you’re entertaining or shopping, the last-minute rush is often the pinnacle of holiday stress. Don’t let it happen to you.
- Remember to find some time to appreciate the goodness of the season. Rather than a frantic visit to the crowded mall, schedule a visit to your local Christmas market. Rather than exchanging gifts with friends, if it’s less stressful propose a holiday outing instead, maybe a play, a movie, a festival, or a concert.
Don’t let the holidays hold you captive. On behalf of Greenpark Group, we wish you all a safe and stress-free festive season!